"Do Blue Lives Still Matter: The War on Policing in North America"

More cops were murdered by gunfire in Canada in late 2022 and early 2023 than during any similar period in Canadian history. In the USA, a police officer dies every 48 hours on average. Police once went on patrol carrying a revolver, 6 extra bullets, handcuffs and a ticket book. Now, it’s with tactical uniforms, vests, multiple magazines for pistols and carbines, multiple restraint devices, CEWs, pepper-spray, batons, tourniquets, body worn cameras and more. They carry everything short of nuclear weapons. Officers have gone from the days of Barney Fife to Robocop. Yes, some careers are more dangerous than policing, but other than the military in theatres of war, what other profession do people intentionally hurt and kill, for no other reason than the wearing of a uniform?

There is more oversight of police activities than of health care. Millions of positive daily interactions between the public and police never receive mention, where the occasional malicious wrongdoing by an officer becomes the never-ending story. Police budgets are often cut or stagnant, and certainly seldom keep pace with inflation. Officers are being pulled from schools in some jurisdictions. Anti-police groups continue to call to “defund” police, and some will not be happy until police no longer exist. Political support of police blows with partisan winds. Despite competitive salaries, pensions and benefit packages, recruit applicants in Canada continue to fall.

Where is this all going and why? Something needs to change.


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